密克羅尼西亞 (Micronesia) 植物調查成果相關文獻


密克羅尼西亞 (Micronesia) 植物調查成果相關文獻彙整表

作者 年份 著作目錄
Hosokawa, T. 1933 クサイエ島の植物概觀. 植物及動物, 2(8), 1421-1426.
1934 A bibliography of Micronesian botany. Kudoa, 2(2), 51-60.
1934 マリアナ群島に於ける木麻黃に就て Kudoa, 2(3), 107-113.
1934 Balanophoraceae Micronesiae. J. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taihoku Univ., 6(3), 572.
1934 Conspectus of the Genus Lepinia. The Botanical magazine, Tokyo, 48(572), 528-530. doi:10.15281/jplantres1887.48.528
1934 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 24(132), 197-205.
1934 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia II ( Leguminosae Novae Micronesiae ). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 24(135), 414-415.
1934 Phytogeographical relationship between the Bonin and the Marianne Islands laying stress upon the distributions of the Families, Genera and special Species of their vernacular plants. J. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taihoku Univ., 6(2), 201-209.
1934 Phytogeographical relationship between the Bonin and the Marianne Islands laying stress upon the distributions of the Families, Genera and special Species of their vernacular plants. J. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taihoku Univ., 6(4), 657-670.
1934 マリアナ群島の植物相(豫報)= Preliminary account of the vegetation of the Marianne islands group. Bulletin of the biogeographical society of Japan, 5(2),124-175.
1934 我ガ裏南洋ミクロネシアに生育する椰子類に就て. 熱帶園藝, 4, 18-22.
1935 An enumeration of Gramineae hitherto known from Micronesia under the Japanese mandate. J. Soc. Trop. Agric. Taihoku Univ., 7(4), 305-325.
1935 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia III. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 25(136-139), 17-39.
1935 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia IV. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 25(140), 117-128.
1935 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia V. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 25(142), 242-247.
1935 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia VI. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 25(143), 261-269.
1935 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia VII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 25(147), 434-443.
1935 南洋群島ポナペ島ノ植物資料. Kudoa, 3(4), 162-166.
1935 植物地理学より見たるマリアナ諸島. 日本學術協會報告, 10(1), 146-151.
1936 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia VIII. . Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 26(148), 44-51.
1936 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia X. . Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 26(149), 67-79.
1936 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XI. . Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 26(150), 115-126.
1936 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 26(152), 227-235.
1936 Materials of the botonical research towards the flora of Micronesia XIII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 26(153), 244-248.
1937 An Enumeration of the Plants Collected from Panape (I). Kudoa, 5(2), 41-55.
1937 An Enumeration of the Plants Collected from Panape (II) Kudoa, 5(3), 79-96.
1937 An Enumeration of the Plants Collected from Panape (III) Kudoa, 5(4), 113-140.
1937 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XIV. Journal of Japanese Botany, 13(3), 194-197.
1937 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XV. Journal of Japanese Botany, 13(4), 274-284.
1937 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XVI. Journal of Japanese Botany, 13(8), 607-617.
1937 A preliminary account of the phytogeographical study on Truk, Caroline. Bulletin of the biogeographical society of Japan, 7(11), 171-255.
1937 トラツク島への旅. 臺灣教育, 414, 111-122.
1938 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XVII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 28(174), 61-67.
1938 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XVIII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 28(176), 145-157.
1938 小笠原諸島の植物地理學私見. 植物及動物, 6(3-5).
1940 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XIX. Journal of Japanese Botany, 16(9), 535-545.
1941 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XX. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 31(208), 39-46.
1941 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XXI. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 31(213), 286-291.
1941 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XXII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 31(219), 468-477.
1942 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XXIII. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 32(220), 5-20.
1942 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XXIV. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 32(221), 101-105.
1942 Materials of the botanical research towards the flora of Micronesia XXV. Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 32(227), 282-288.
1943 Materials of the botanical reserch towards the flora of Micronesia (XXIV). Acta phytotaxonomica et geobotanica, 13, 163-171.
1943 Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia ( I ). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 33(234), 35-55.
1943 Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia ( II ). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 33(235), 71-89.
1943 Studies on the life-forms of vascular epiphytes and the epiphyte flora of Ponape, Micronesia ( III ). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 33(236), 113-141.
1943 ミクロネシアの植物研究資料 ( 第27報 ). Transactions of the Natural History Society of Formosa, 33(239), 210-214.
1943 南方熱帶の植物概觀. 大阪市: 朝日新聞社.
1943 南方共榮圈の殖產気候. 東京市: 南支調查會.
1950 ミクロネシアの蘚苔林に就いて. The Botanical magazine, Tokyo, 63(741), 29-380.
1967 Life-Form of Vascular Plants and the Climate Conditions of the Micronesian Islands. Micronesica, 3(1), 19-30.
1971 南洋諸島の私の植物探究覚書. Natural science and museums, 38(7), 184-199.
南洋協會南洋群島支部 1925 南洋群嶋寫眞帖
トラック島教育支会発行1931 トラック島写真帖
金平亮三 1933 南洋群島植物誌
鈴木經勳 1944 南洋風物誌